Tuesday, March 27, 2012

This past weekend, Elaina and I were blessed to fundraise at Sacred Heart in Boise. If you're not familiar with this community, I'd love to tell you a little about what I learned...

Inside Sacred Heart Catholic Church
These wonderful people have hearts of love. Those who talked with us were genuinely interested in hearing our plans, in supporting our cause, and often had a story or two to tell. To be honest, it felt like we were more there for fellowship and encouragement than fundraising, even though we ended up raising $431!! So many thanks go to people like Ginny, Mike, Carl, Margaret, Jean, and Roger. We felt so loved, important, and encouraged. <3

I don't know why I'm still surprised by the boatloads of blessings that are being poured out on us. Each parish fundraiser has been an incredible experience. Each one is a little different, but each is practically dripping with love. I can tell you that Elaina and I wouldn't be so surprisingly calm if it weren't for the way that God has blessed us through the parishes.

We know we're being prayed for.
We know we're supported.
We know that we're not alone.

In India, we are determined to extend that love to others.

Thank you, everyone (especially Sacred Heart!) for extending your support to us.

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Thursday, March 22, 2012


O_O   <-- That's what my eyes look like right now.Why? Because we JUST GOT OUR PLANE TICKETS!

$2100 (donated) dollars later... WOW. Only from God's Providence was this possible. ONLY.

I can't say it enough: Thank you for your support. Thank you for participating in our mission to serve.

We want to love as God loves...
Last night, Elaina and I slept at my apartment and as we lay in my bed, cloaked in the darkness of night, we tried to imagine what it'll be like in India. Dirt floors, concrete walls, palpable air, stifling heat, bugs, feces, disease, children, heartbreak, anger, frustration, exhaustion, joy, sweat, love... we talked for hours.  

... to learn the true spirit of sacrifice.
It was an eye-opening conversation. We both, I realized, want to - need to - be broken, for that is where unselfconscious service is found. We want to rip off our shallow exteriors and be left with a naked soul. We want to be "what we should be" so that God might use us to "set the world on fire," as St. Catherine of Siena said.

In short, we want to learn how to love better.

By your support, you share in our goal... which is why we can't stop saying THANK YOU. <3

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Easy Fundraising Ideas

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Words... just can't.... I can't even.... WOW.

Elaina's Thoughts:

THIS JUST IN: GOD IS AWESOME!! (In addition to being cool of course)

Heidemarie and I took another shot at fundraising this weekend and the amount of support we received was AMAZING. With Father Chase’s permission, we headed out to Risen Christ to share our story. I was completely overwhelmed with the love and kind words that the generous people of Risen Christ had to offer us! We ended up raising $1,118 for our mission!! 

Let me repeat that…..$1,118!!!!!!!!!! And THAT is why God is awesome and THAT is why the people of Risen Christ are AWESOME.  So thank you to everyone who helped us out!! We couldn’t do this without your support and without your prayers. I was truly inspired and humbled by the generosity of our brothers and sisters at this parish.  God is definitely looking out for us as we answer his call to serve.  We are now that much closer to doing his work!!     

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
Heide's (extended and slightly more dramatic) Thoughts:

I don't even know what to write...... still in shock...... God is amazing.......... (Heide, breathe......)............ okay. Let me tell you the news.

Elaina and I went to Risen Christ Catholic Church this weekend. We were invited to stand out in the narthex (the gathering area) and have a table with a poster board and a donation basket. We were thankful for this opportunity, since it is difficult to get permission to fundraise through the Church (understandably so - in the past, people have taken advantage of the generosity of the Church, so priests are wary).
Risen Christ Catholic Church <3
(photo from Hummel Architects)

I didn't really know what to expect, since Risen Christ is one of the smaller parishes in Boise. Setting up the table at 5:40pm Saturday night, I just kept praying (through the intercession of Bl. Mother Teresa) that God's will be done, and that I would learn what I need to learn through the experience. I believe, after all, that everything comes from God's love... so who am I to decide what that love is going to look like? Perhaps there is someone at Risen Christ who needs to come with us... or maybe someone who needs something to pray for. In short, then, I was prepared to let my hope of fundraising go if that was what would be best.

 At 5:50pm, Elaina showed up (she had gotten a little lost). We'd never done this together, so, right before people started streaming out of the sanctuary, she asked if we could pray together. We clasped hands, quickly and nervously prayed that God's will be done, and resumed our places by the table.

Mass ended. People came out... and showed us what Love is.

I teared up at least once... I was overwhelmed by the number of people promising prayers and giving donations. Before we cleaned up, I was in shock.

At the end of the night, when we got back to my car to count the donations, we discovered that the little group of 5pm Mass-goers had donated $533.00.... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This morning at 11:20am, we were back, standing by the table waiting for Mass to be over. Again, no expectations (to be honest, we were still shocked by the night before). Again, praying over the experience and the people at Mass. And after it was over, we were left reeling... again.


Pick me! Pick me! I KNOW!!! 
I'm shaking as I write this. I'm having the hardest time trying to compose my thoughts.... I can't believe the INCREDIBLY GENEROUS SPIRITS of Risen Christ's small bunch of Catholics. I'm an unknown young woman with a call to serve the poor in Kolkata. I'm a nobody. I don't deserve anything from anyone... I'm left speechless by the fact that this weekend, after two Masses at little Risen Christ, Elaina and I have $1,118.50 more for our trip. One thousand one hundred and eighteen dollars and fifty cents.

I'm a nobody with nothing, but Somebody loves me. <3

Thank you so much, Risen Christ, OLR, and all the people who have donated, for showing me that it doesn't matter who we are, what we believe, or where we're going... WE are a loving family. In my state of gratitude and shock, all I can say is: I love you too.

(P.S. If you're suspicious about why our needed amount keeps rising, please click our DONATE tab, where we post our budget. Remember that $800 is for emergencies only and will be directly given to the Missionaries if we don't use it.)

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Sunday, March 11, 2012


Seriously. We mean THANK YOU GOD!

We have an announcement: God is cool.

Here's why.... Elaina and I have been praying about this trip and I'm sure you can guess why. The amount we have to raise is not exactly chump change. I mean, you can't raise thousands of dollars by checking pay phones.

But we both know that if God wants us to go to India... He's going to provide a way. He's God - that's what He does. 

Today, He confirmed Himself. Today, from someone who wishes to remain anonymous, we received a donation explicitly for Elaina's plane ticket. Let me say that again: 


We couldn't be more blessed!!!! 

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Easy Fundraising Ideas

Monday, March 5, 2012


Hey everyone!

We have news!!!

Alex has discerned out of going to India. This means that she has realized that India is not her destination for the summer. You will soon be able to read about why under the "What happened to Alex?" tab, but for now, the important thing is that she knows that God is calling her to something else.

MEANWHILE..... Elaina is going to India now! You can read her discernment story under "Elaina's Story" about why she's going on the trip. It's totally, completely, 100% a God-driven thing. He knows what He's doing. :D

So check out our updates and please keep us in your prayers. We're just like you - trying to make our world a better place one service at a time.


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